Construction work and truck entrance bans have been lifted in Delhi

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The air quality index in Delhi has been constantly in the bad category for the last three days, according to the CAQM order, having improved from the very poor category.
The Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) relaxed restrictions on building and demolition operations in Delhi-NCR on Monday due to improved air quality. Trucks will be allowed to enter Delhi with immediate effect, according to the notification.
The order stated that construction and demolition (C & D) activities in the NCR will be permitted with immediate effect, subject to persons and agencies conducting C & D activities strictly adhering to dust control norms and directions issued under the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, as well as CPCB guidelines in this regard.
Construction and demolition enterprises must adhere to dust control laws, according to the order. Agencies with project sites of 500 square metres or more in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh’s NCR regions are required to register their projects on a web portal set up to track dust reduction standards online.
According to the CAQM order, the AQI in Delhi has been consistently in the bad category for the last three days, having improved from the very poor category.
The CAQM demanded that all construction and demolition work in the NCR be halted until November 21, 2011, in an order issued on November 16. In an order released on November 24, the Supreme Court reinstated the ban. The CAQM lifted construction restrictions on hospitals, highways, and flyovers, as well as sanitation and public utility projects like sewage treatment plants, on December 17.
Except for CNG and electric trucks, vehicles carrying non-essentials were not allowed to enter.