9 new cases detected and the total number of New Covid-19 strain reaches 38

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9 new cases of the new mutant UK strain found in India. With the addition of these 9, the number of people infected with a mutated strain of SARS-CoV-2 has reached 38. The mutated strain of SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID-19 but it spread 50 times faster than the non-mutated virus.

Out of 38 people infected with the new UK virus in India, 10 have been detected at NIMHANS in Bengaluru and the rest in NCDC Delhi, National Institute of Virology (NIV) Pune, CCMB Hyderabad, Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) New Delhi, and NIBMG Kalyani.

With the rise in the cases, the Union Ministry of Health has started contact tracing of the co-travelers, family contacts, and others for limiting the spread of the UK virus.

The positive samples of the mutant UK virus are being tested for genome sequencing in 10 INSACOG labs — NIBMG Kolkata, ILS Bhubaneswar, NIV Pune, NCCS Pune, CCMB Hyderabad, CDFD Hyderabad, InSTEM Bengaluru, NIMHANS Bengaluru, IGIB Delhi and, NCDC Delhi.

All these persons have been kept in single room isolation in designated Health Care facilities by respective State Governments. Their close contacts have also been put under quarantine. Comprehensive contact tracing has been initiated for co-travelers, family contacts, and others. Genome sequencing on other specimens is going on,” said the health ministry.

The process is under regular surveillance and the states are being advised for taking all the measures needed to contract the spread of the virus. From 25 November to 23 December midnight around 33,000 passengers arrived at various airports in India from the UK.

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