Survivors recount grim stories. The Maui wildfire death toll is 53, with 1,000 missing

The Hawaiian island of Maui was struck by a catastrophic wildfire, leaving behind a scene of devastation and loss. The flames engulfed numerous homes and historic sites, resulting in the deaths of at least 53 individuals, while over 1000 people were reported missing. Survivors recounted their chilling accounts of narrowly escaping the blaze with only their lives intact, caught off guard by the fire’s rapid spread, which left them little time to respond.

Aerial footage revealed the aftermath in Lahaina, the island’s largest town situated on the western side, depicting a landscape of ruins and ashes that were once vibrant and lively streets. The iconic Front Street, known for its shopping and dining attractions, suffered the destruction of many historic buildings.

The fire also damaged boats in the harbour, leaving a lingering cloud of smoke over the town, which has a rich history dating back to the 1700s. The devastation included the destruction of more than 1,000 structures, and the fires, which were still active, marked the deadliest natural disaster for the state since a 1960 tsunami that claimed 61 lives on the Big Island.

With a confirmed death toll of 53 by Thursday, this wildfire has become the most lethal in the United States since California’s 2018 Camp Fire, which claimed a minimum of 85 lives and devastated the town of Paradise. As rescue operations continue, the potential for further casualties remains, complicated by the ongoing fires and the challenge of accessing previously unreachable areas of the island. The Lahaina fire, reportedly 80% contained on Thursday, exacerbates concerns.

The fire compelled some to react within minutes, while others sought refuge in the ocean. Videos, like one shared by Bosco Bae, depicted the fire engulfing buildings with sirens wailing and sparks flying. Bae, among the last to leave the town, awaited his return to his home after being evacuated to the island’s main airport.

Marlon Vasquez, a 31-year-old cook from Guatemala who migrated to the U.S. in January 2022, recounted how he and his brother Eduardo navigated clogged roads filled with fleeing people. The toxic smoke led him to vomit, and he remained uncertain about the safety of his roommates and neighbours.

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